Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: July 1, 2023 - Last updated: July 1, 2023


Author: Tatiana González-Lopera

Title: Honor, linaje y sangre como capital social en la sociedad colonial vistos a través de un juicio por estupro en Antioquia (1729)

Subtitle: -

Translation: Honour, Lineage, and Blood as Social Capital in Colonial Society Seen Through a Trial for Rape in Antioquia, 1729

Journal: Boletín Americanista

Volume: -

Issue: 86

Year: 2023 (Received: August 9, 2022, Accepted: November 21, 2022, Published online: June 14, 2023)

Pages: 125-150

pISSN: 0520-4100 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 2014-993X - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Modern History: 18th Century | American History: Colombian History | Prosecution: Trials; Cases: Real Offenders / Alexo de Lescano, Lorenzo, de Lescano, Miguel de Lescano; Cases: Real Victims / Isabel de Piedrahíta; Types: Rape / Interracial Rape; Victims: Deprivation of Liberty / Abduction


Link: Revistes científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (Free Access)


Author:, ORCID

Abstract: »In 1729-1730, in the Province of Antioquia, New Kingdom of Granada, a trial was brought against three young mulattoes for the abduction of a young Spanish woman. The protagonists in this case are an example of how individuals were inserted into relational structures in which formal and informal norms operate, and which are sustained both by economic capital and social-relational capital. The study of this network of relationships allows us to unveil central elements of the structure of colonial society to which every individual, regardless of their economic or ethnic condition, was to a greater or lesser extent subjected. It is a view in which the microhistorical analysis of family networks is complemented with the analysis of honour and blood cleansing as forms of social capital in the colonial world.« (Source: Boletín Americanista)

  Resumen (p. 125)
  1. Introducción (p. 125)
  2. Sobre el caso (p. 128)
    2.1. Los hechos (p.128)
    2.2. Las redes de parentesco que vinculan a los principales involucrados en el caso (p.129)
    2.3. La familia Piedrahíta (p.130)
    2.4. La familia Lescano (p.133)
    2.5. Lorenzo e Isabel, ¿tan cercanos como primos? (p.135)
  3. Capital social en juego (p. 136)
    3.1. Sobre el concepto de capital social presentado por Bourdieu (p. 136)
    3.2. El honor (p.138)
    3.3. Honor peninsular y honor colonial (p.138)
    3.4. Honor individual (como sentimiento) y honor colectivo (como hecho social) (p.140)
    3.5. El honor masculino y el honor femenino (p.141)
    3.6. Honor reconocido y honor pretendido (p.143)
    3.7. La sangre (p.143)
  4. Conclusiones (p. 145)
  Bibliografía (p. 148)
  Resum (p. 150)
  Abstract (p. 150)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of Colombia / Viceroyalty of New Granada | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape